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Que significa esto??


br_8_35 Diagnostics

Your modem is capable of testing your DSL connection. The individual tests are listed below. If a test displays a fail status, click "Rerun Diagnostic Tests" at the bottom of this page to make sure the fail status is consistent. If the test continues to fail, click "Help" and follow the troubleshooting procedures.

Test the connection to your local network Test your Ethernet Connection: PASS Help
Test your Wireless Connection: PASS Help

Test the connection to your DSL service provider Test ADSL Synchronization: PASS Help
Test ATM OAM F5 segment ping: FAIL Help
Test ATM OAM F5 end-to-end ping: FAIL Help

wenas,lo dicho es normal que este asi??
Gracias de antemano.

Este tema está cerrado a nuevas respuestas. Abre un nuevo tema para retomar la conversación.

En definitiva, que no tiene importancia