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Jazztel lo mejor hasta ahora tengo 20mb.


No digo mas a hi dejo los datos.
Mode: ADSL2+
Line Coding: Trellis On
Status: No Defect
Link Power State: L0

Downstream Upstream
SNR Margin (dB): 7.1 9.0
Attenuation (dB): 24.0 9.9
Output Power (dBm): 29.5 0.0
Attainable Rate (Kbps): 20208 19344
Rate (Kbps): 20073 881
MSGc (number of bytes in overhead channel message): 77 9
B (number of bytes in Mux Data Frame): 242 111
M (number of Mux Data Frames in FEC Data Frame): 1 1
T (Mux Data Frames over sync bytes): 2 1
R (number of check bytes in FEC Data Frame): 12 16
S (ratio of FEC over PMD Data Frame length): 0.3866 4.0315
L (number of bits in PMD Data Frame): 5277 254
D (interleaver depth): 64 8
Delay (msec): 6 8

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